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Why Did Jesus Die On The Cross?

When God created man, He kept them in the confines of a physical space called Eden (garden), in His presence of UNLIMITED WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, and LOVE. Man enjoyed God's spiritual and physical nourishment daily.

Over time, man (and woman), disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan, as a serpent, deceived (entangled with words) them into eating what God forbade. Man was removed from the garden of God's abundance to toil for himself (burdened with work and bound by fear). 

Disobedience to God led to the DEPRAVITY OF SIN. Let hunger for knowledge be limited to God's timings and not our own. 

Reconnect with God

Jesus was offered as a perfect sinless sacrifice for the sins of all mankind - not just "Christians". Sin separated man from God and left him spiritually dead. God, in His great love, offers Jesus as the only way to Him. God reconciled man with God through Jesus. 

Give Victory Over Enemies

Man is not the enemy. Man needs to be loved. The main enemy is Satan or dark spiritual forces that deceive, accuse, and manipulate vulnerable minds and hearts. With God, man can overcome loneliness, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, and all negative spirits. The enemy is also, the pride of this life, lusts of the eyes and flesh. God is the only good Spirit who can give us victory over them all. 

Take His People Home

JESUS DIED AND ROSE AGAIN from the dead on the third day by the power of God. He is coming soon to take all those who believe only Him, home. Turn to God, He loves you and will speak to you, and guide you. Those who live with Jesus today will receive eternal life and peace. Seek Him and remain in His presence. 

3 reasons why Jesus died on the cross
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