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The Future Is Bright For Nonprofit Communicators

Updated: Jan 22

The future is bright for nonprofit communicators. Creative and personal communication will always need the human touch.

The first adopters of social media were nonprofits. The industry overall has been slow in adopting social media. Workloads have increased which is hindering professional growth.

The exposure is useful and the slow pace sometimes becomes a boon in the process. There’s much that can be done online, but it needs to be the right mix. Not everything can be done online. Social Media, when used effectively is a great tool to nurture long-term relationships. We are emotional beings, and moving online needs to be an extension, not the standard for every work. Using digital tools can be overwhelming, but using them intentionally is rewarding.

Moving from traditional communication tools to digital is a step forward. The fundamentals of communication remain, though there is a learning curve when it comes to applying them online. Newer tools are always welcome, whatever moves the needle for the organization. Communicators who learn to balance both forms of communication will be most successful in meeting organizational goals more quicker.

I reached out to Arnab who leads communication and fundraising for Anwesha Kolkata. A nonprofit focused on improving the quality of life of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

A positive thinker focused on making a difference, and a great communicator who loves communicating about Causes. He spent nine years in the education industry and over five years in the nonprofit sector. Arnab found a job he could love with Anwesha. Especially, their mission of reaching out to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. (Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016)

1. What do you love about your job the most as a communicator?

  1. The challenging role to build a good image.

  2. Create a positive impact on the organization’s efforts.

  3. A great opportunity to learn new things from people

  4. Become a better storyteller.

  5. Championing a Cause. A non-communicative person can communicate simply, creatively, and uniquely.

2. Which communication tools have been most effective in your work with Anwesha?

  1. In-person Conversations (Offline and Online)

  2. Social Media: Facebook

  3. Customised email

There’s no substitute for in-person conversations. But, it’s not always possible. With the pandemic, it’s become all the more difficult. So, we have increased our focus on digital practices: Facebook and Email Marketing.

3. The Future is bright for nonprofit communicators. Share five tips for those who want to pursue a career in nonprofit communication.

In the years I’ve spent learning and observing, I’d recommend career aspirants keep these five C’s in mind.

  1. Continuous Learning

  2. Commitment to work for a cause

  3. Consistency in work performance

  4. Caring nature towards resources of organization, team, and beneficiaries

  5. Creative approach in the workplace

Put in the hard work initially, ask questions, and build your technique. We are all unique and need to learn to express ourselves freely.

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