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Popular Facts On The First Printed Book, The Bible

Updated: May 7

When we talk about the power of media, the written word is a powerful medium to effect positive change. The first book to come out in print was the Bible.

The Bible has inspired and influenced millions of people throughout history. 

Here are SOME AMAZING FACTS about the Bible that you may not know:

  1. The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, with over 5 billion copies sold and distributed.

  2. The Bible was the first book to be printed in movable type by Johann Gutenberg in the 15th century. Only 49 copies of the Gutenberg Bible are still in existence.

  3. The Bible was written over 1500 years ago by about 40 authors from different backgrounds and occupations. Some authors include shepherds, kings, farmers, priests, poets, scribes, and fishermen.

  4. The Bible is not a single work but a collection of 66 books. Divided into two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Old Testament has 39 books, and the New Testament has 27.

  5. The Bible has been translated into over 3500 languages.

  6. The Bible contains many phrases and expressions commonly used in English, such as “eat, drink, and be merry”, “salt of the earth”, “from strength to strength”, and “our Father, which art in heaven”. These phrases come from the King James Version of the Bible, published in 1611, and are considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of English literature.

  7. The Bible has many stories, characters, and events, such as riddles, miracles, prophecies, battles, and mysteries. Some of the most famous stories include the creation of the world, the flood of Noah, the exodus of the Israelites, the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and the revelation of the end times.

THERE ARE MANY COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS about the Bible that people have, either because of tradition, culture, or lack of knowledge. 

Some of these misconceptions are:

  1. The Bible is a how-to guide, a children's storybook, a book of inspiring quotes, or a rule book. These are all ways of reducing the Bible to something less than what it is: a collection of writings that reveal God's character, plan, and purpose for humanity, inviting us to respond in faith and obedience.

  2. The Bible is full of mistakes and contradictions - an untrue claim often made by skeptics and critics. The Bible is a reliable and trustworthy document preserved and transmitted accurately throughout history. Most of the alleged errors and contradictions are either due to translation issues, copyist errors, different perspectives, or misunderstanding of the context and genre of the biblical texts.

  3. The Bible is always literal - a misconception that fails to recognize the diversity and richness of the biblical literature. The Bible contains genres such as narrative, poetry, prophecy, wisdom, law, letters, and apocalyptic. Each genre has its own rules and conventions and requires a different approach to interpretation. Some parts of the Bible are literal, while others are figurative, symbolic, or metaphorical.

  4. The Bible is static - a misconception that treats the Bible as a dead and irrelevant book that has nothing to say to us today. The Bible is a living and active book inspired by God and speaks to our current situation and needs. The Bible is not only a historical record, but also a prophetic and practical guide that reveals God's will and wisdom for us.

  5. The Bible is full of myths and legends - a misconception that dismisses the Bible as a collection of fanciful stories that have no basis in reality. The Bible is a historical document that records real events, people, and places verified by archaeology, geography, and other sources. The Bible is not a fairy tale but a testimony of God's intervention and interaction with humanity.

Some of the BENEFITS OF READING THE BIBLE revealed in a recent study are:

  1. Reading the Bible at least four times a week can reduce the likelihood of engaging in harmful behaviors, such as getting drunk, having sex outside marriage, viewing pornography, and gambling. According to a report by the Center for Biblical Engagement, Christians who read the Bible most days of the week have lower odds of participating in these behaviors by 57% to 75% compared to those who read the Bible less often.

  2. Reading the Bible at least four times a week can also increase the likelihood of sharing and growing in one's faith. The same report found that Christians who read the Bible most days of the week have higher odds of sharing their faith with others by 228%, disciplining others by 231%, and memorizing scripture by 407% compared to those who read the Bible less often.

  3. Reading the Bible at least four times a week can also have positive effects on one's mental and emotional health. A study by Barna Research showed that 6 out of 10 adults who read the Bible said that it has transformed their lives. Reading the Bible can help people feel less lonely, less angry, less bitter, more spiritually alive, and more free.

Hope you enjoyed learning some well-known facts about the Bible. Deeper spiritual insights to follow, God willing.

A youth reading a bible on a park bench

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