When people, in general, talk about Public Relations, Media Relations take center stage.
Media Relations is critical, no doubt, but it isn't everything. There are different relationships that a Public Relations practitioner needs to manage.
To name a few;
Client Relations
Customer Relations
Government Relations
Analyst Relations
Influencer Relations
Partner Relations
Employee Relations
Donor Relations
Volunteer Relations
and some others too, across companies and nonprofits.
Remember, as a new PR professional, the breadth of relationships you need to cater to while working for an organization/client. When you list it out, you realize how much work goes into being a PR practitioner. Right?
One of the best things you can do for yourself is, document your growth as a PR practitioner. Writing a blog or keeping notes and coverage safe in a cloud will prove helpful in the long run.
What are some things to remember about Media Relations at the beginning of your career?
People are generally good, professionally.
Media Relations can often feel terrorizing at the beginning. The pressure to maintain "sensitive" relationships that can affect the agency or the brand is immense. Some experienced team members tend to rub it in as well. Staying positive is a must. When you happily engage, the results will be better in every relationship. Fear cripples and torments. Love sets you free. Relationship building requires being stress-free.
Pitch Perfect
A good manager will keep you focused on getting to know the Client and their industry better. Your Media Relationships will get better as you learn to provide value to journalists based on what you learn about your Client.
Get your pitch right, and your chances of watching your story published are greater. A win-win-win for you, the Journalist, and the Client.
Keep Track of Media movements
Journalists tend to switch beats and organizations often. Track what they are writing. Find out if they've changed beats or continue to write on your industry. If they've moved organizations, update your media list.
Digital Media rocks!
Today Social Media and Blogging have brought a laser focus to Media Relations. There are more ways to share your news with the public. An integrated approach works best to see your Business or Nonprofit featured in all the relevant media. With newsrooms downsizing or changing their business model to suit the changing media landscape, PR practitioners must adapt.