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“I love interacting with people, and RJ-ing was a dream come true”

Updated: Jan 22

Despite the drop in revenue owing to the pandemic, the Radio Industry is set for some good news, according to industry experts (article on Exchange4Media).

Does that mean a career in the industry is still one to pursue? A vehement YES says Harshita, who has spent over 14 years in the media industry.

There are unique stories that reveal the power of the medium, like that of the fishermen's community down south. Radio Jockeys, in particular, have played a tremendous role in positively influencing lives using their creativity and talent.

I reached out to Harshita to share her views on her experience as a Radio Jockey for those aspiring to pursue creative jobs. The media industry thrives on creativity and passion. Harshita is creative at heart and loves interacting with people. She is passionate about Photography and Video Editing.

“I have over 14 years of experience in pre and post-production work in film, media, and entertainment industries. I have learned a lot and established myself as a producer, cinematographer, voice-over artist, and photographer. A curious learner, I constantly strive to improve my skills with every assignment. I have worked for a news channel, a film school, a production house, and an online media company. I’ve also worked as an RJ at a radio station and as a documentary filmmaker.” - Harshita Sharma.

As a Radio Jockey, what do you love about the role?

I love interacting with people, and writing fun, creative content that touches hearts and minds.

In no time, an RJ gets a lot of recognition and fame. But, it requires a lot of hard work because it is not as easy as it seems. An RJ is expected to be pleasant always, no matter what, which sometimes can be tricky because we are human and we get under the weather. The three things I love about the role are;

  1. Being able to connect to my listeners,

  2. Talk to them as friends, and

  3. Be me.

It is a blessing to be in a job where you can speak your heart out on topics you enjoy and build a relationship with listeners to grow along with them.

Share a personal experience on how radio is impacting young lives

When a person calls, she expects the call to be warm and friendly, even if they call to answer a quiz. We are expected to be encouraging every time. They don't talk to an RJ. But to a friend or maybe someone they have known for years. Even if they are speaking for the first time.

I remember a girl who called me one evening when she was on her way home from the office. It was before sunset. She called to answer a quiz I had asked. She was on public transport and alone with some guy in the tempo apart from the driver. She felt weird, and we spoke for almost 10 minutes. Until there was another lady passenger, and she felt safe. That's how these conversations should be. I still remember the relief in her voice that evening.

Five tips for those desiring to pursue Radio Jockeying today

An RJ is in a position of great responsibility because of the power the role has in influencing people’s lives. Celebrities, Anchors, and RJs are seen as icons because they inspire people. An RJ needs to be a strong communicator focused on impact.

  1. Be able to convey messages in an attractive form so that the listeners don't lose attention or get distracted. Be witty to handle different types of people.

  2. Have the ability to make stories and talk expressively; and if you are working in a city with a local language, make sure you have command over it.

  3. Be able to modulate your voice and have a great sense of humor and spontaneity.

  4. Be expressive and creative. An RJ writes her content. They don't always get a scriptwriter. Your speech should be clear and have correct pronunciation.

  5. Attach an identity to yourself. Like mimicry or anything quirky out of the box yet entertaining for the listeners to come back to you always.

To sum up, an RJ is an element that can add joy to Radio shows. Radio Jockeying is a fantastic career if you love interacting with people; an opportunity to be creative and expressive and a platform to exercise your love to interact.

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