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How To Be A Great Manager?

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

What are the essential qualities of a great manager? Before we get there, consider this; We spend over 10 hours at work daily. The last thing employees want is a troubled work environment. A great manager will make life at work a blessing.

These are the top three essential qualities of a great manager. Applicable all the more, in a post-COVID environment.


A Mentor is a confidant, counsellor, consultant, adviser, therapist, etc.

Hands-on learning provides a far richer experience than programmatic trainings. I don’t mean to undermine the value of trainings. The learning’s in real-work scenarios enable us to see the results live.

A mentor helps in enriching those experiences with their wisdom and direction. The sad truth is, very few actually make the time to get dirty with you, provide constructive feedback. Done right, it’s a win-win-win-win for the team member, mentor, team and company.

Team Player

A manager must be wary of his team members strengths and weaknesses. If the manager is part of the hiring process, they have a fine opportunity to build a team with the right skill sets. Where each member complements one another’s skills.

They (manager) must be willing to take responsibility for slip-ups too. They need to make sure each member has all they need to deliver their best. Fill-in themselves wherever a member either lacks the skill or is unavailable. A team player blends in and represents being part of one unit.

A Thorough Professional

A true professional focuses on getting work done. He or She will ensure time at work furthers company goals. They are also concerned for the mental and emotional well-being of team members. All during office hours. Managers who can take on the might of their seniors and also build team morale is getting extinct. Still, this is a basic ask of any manager.

I’ve had over 12 managers in over a decade of work. Every manager brings a new perspective. Each manager either hones an uncut part of you or enhances your strengths. It’s always a blessing to have a manager who has the heart to help you grow as they grow.

A great manager is a major cure for mental health or emotional well-being issues at the workplace. Happiness at the workplace can impact other areas of life too. It takes a compassionate leadership to raise great managers. They will be the difference driving profitability and cultivating a favourable workplace culture.

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