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Be Brave, Think.

Ganesh realised that there was more to this life than what he knew. He met the Creator through His word (The Bible). Since then, his journey with the living God has helped him grow personally and professionally. After completing his degree at  IIT Bombay, Ganesh moved to the United States for his Masters degree.  

Ganesh started as an atheist and scientist. But a deeper search into how science and faith can coexist led him to God. Ganesh says, "Jesus said to love God with all your MIND, heart, soul and strength. So I realised that God wants us to think."   

"We need to think rationally. How does one think rationally? Why should I trust my thoughts if we are just random electrons? A rational mind, in my opinion, suggests that we were designed by an intelligent creator."

Ganesh believes any thinker needs to look at four aspects to determine the existence of God - the origin, purpose of life, morality, and life after death.

"Morality, if subjective, will lead to dangerous results. We cannot decide based on our feelings or ideas of right or wrong," says Ganesh. "Feelings can change, and with it, our understanding of right or wrong. Some love their neighbours, others eat their neighbours."

"Some people believe there is no right or wrong. What happens if someone takes your wallet and says it belongs to them? When things get personal, we quickly understand good and evil!"

In the divisive world that we live in, we must understand our state and seek answers to the deeper questions of life. Our busy lives keep us from investigating everything else but ourselves. We postpone what's essential for our well-being to our detriment.

[I asked Ganesh additional questions on work.]

As a technology sales professional, what are two or three things necessary to sustain long-term relationships?

Sales is a service, and serving is in the DNA of every salesperson. 

First, build trust. Trust requires truth. Communicate to the customer both the capabilities and limitations of your product.

Second, walk with the customer during the process. It is crucial when sustaining a relationship. Getting the customer to understand how your product impacts their business at each stage will build their confidence and help produce better results. 

With employee advocacy programs ramping up, what are your tips on how employees should use social media?

  1. Post content that is consistent with your values

  2. Don't oversell

  3. There is great value in sharing experiences. Help people evaluate complex subjects and simplify them.

  4. Use the platform correctly - each social media platform reaches a specific audience. Plan your content according to the audience and platform profile. E.g., a LinkedIn profile is for professionals, and Instagram is for a younger audience.

  5. Make sure that the content you share is appropriate for both your work and personal life. Only share things meant to be public, not private.

Ganesh is a best-selling author on Amazon. He wrote Let Me Into Heaven after a spiritual transformation in 2001. You can learn more about him at

A young professional looking through a window that overlooks mountains and seas
Make time to think

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