We hear a lot of chatter around intangible issues like the ones mentioned below. But hardly any action to solve these serious problems affecting human lives.
Mental health and well-being
Loneliness and social isolation
Emotional intelligence and empathy
Cultural and societal conditioning
Lack of purpose and meaning in life
Cyberbullying and online harassment
Societal pressure and unrealistic expectations
The impact of technology on human relationships
While I've listed only eight issues, the ones above require urgent attention.
Brands and institutions have a role to play. So do we!
Why are these issues ignored? What makes them so easily forgotten? These are profound personal questions that require reflection to grow.
What is each of these issues? How to understand them plainly?
Mental Health and Well-Being
How we think, feel, speak and act during different situations matters. Our emotional, psychological, and social health get affected when we ignore our overall state of being as responsible humans.
"We can't solve problems by using the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein.
Loneliness and Social Isolation
It is one thing to be lonely and another to be alone. Lack of meaningful relationships or physical and mental issues can cause loneliness and isolate a person.
"The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved." - Mother Teresa.
Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
Emotional intelligence is a skill that enables us to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and those around us. It is a complex set of skills that involves self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Empathy is a component of emotional intelligence. The ability to recognize, understand and share others' feelings. It allows us to learn how others are feeling and to relate to them in an emotionally meaningful way.
"Emotional intelligence is about controlling your own emotions and being able to pick up on the emotions of others and understand them." - Richard Branson.
Cultural and Societal Conditioning
Cultural and societal conditioning is a process by which people learn to think, act, and behave based on accepted standards, values, and beliefs of (their) culture or society. This conditioning is essential for individuals to understand their environment and the social norms expected of them. Furthermore, it is a powerful tool for shared values and beliefs to be transferred from one generation to the next. It is not just about learning the rules of society but learning to internalize these cultural and societal values so that they become part of our identity and behavior.
"Culture is a way of coping with the world by defining it in detail." - Marshall McLuhan.
Lack of purpose and meaning in life
It is a lack of direction. Without purpose and meaning in life, we wouldn't know what to do with our time and energy. Without a clear goal, it can be hard to muster up the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and accomplish anything. It can feel like life has no purpose or direction, leading to feeling lost and overwhelmed.
Without counsel, purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors, they are established. - King Solomon.
Cyberbullying and online harassment
Cyberbullying and online harassment occurs when someone uses the internet or other technology to hurt, threaten, embarrass, or otherwise target others. It includes sending mean messages or images, spreading false information, making hurtful comments, engaging in activities such as impersonating someone on social media, stealing someone's account information, and posting embarrassing images or videos. It can even involve creating fake profiles or websites to humiliate or harass someone.
Online bullying can have a serious and long-lasting impact, causing emotional distress, mental health issues, and even physical harm. It is important to remember that no one deserves to be bullied and that it is never okay to be a cyberbully.
"Online harassment is not a harmless byproduct of the internet. It is a destructive force in the lives of real people." - Emily Bazelon.
Societal Pressure and Unrealistic Expectations
Societal pressure is pervasive and often leaves us feeling trapped between what we should do and what we want to do. It is the expectation that we adhere to standards or engage in activities that our society or culture deems acceptable. These expectations can be unrealistic and unattainable, yet, we need to meet them.
"Society's expectations can be a heavy burden to bear, but the greatest burden is the one we place on ourselves." - Unknown.
Impact of Technology on Human Relationships
Technology has both good and bad influences on human relationships. It can help people stay in contact with loved ones who live in distant places and develop relationships with people who share similar interests. It can also make it more difficult for individuals to interact in face-to-face conversations, leading to people spending excessive time on their phones or computers instead of engaging in meaningful interactions with their peers. Digital communication can bring people closer together. It can also be a source of disconnection and misunderstanding. It's necessary to be mindful of how technology impacts our lives and relationships, making the most out of the benefits while avoiding potential pitfalls.
"The technology we use has a greater impact on our relationships than we realize." - Sherry Turkle.
The digital world is a far more dangerous environment without regulations and policies that benefit humans. These issues will only get amplified if we do not adopt practices offline to overcome these problems.