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What is The Meaningful Life blog?

The Meaningful Life blog is a personal, ongoing discovery and reflection of the time spent at work and in life (offline and online).


Humanity is breaking down. Human vulnerabilities are being exploited. Social Media Technology and the Workplace have become critical mediums of negative influence. We often ignore what we cannot see, but, what about how we feel? Our minds and hearts have been targeted more than ever in the last two decades. What we need is a God-centered approach. Discipline that honors the truth with compassion.


Social Media use is hurting mental health across ages. The digital world gives us the illusion of connectedness, leaving humans lonelier than ever.


Global data on the mental health concerns in the working population;

  • One billion people living with a mental disorder in 2019

  • 15 percent of working-age adults experienced a mental disorder.

  • Work amplifies wider societal issues that negatively affect mental health.

  • An estimated 12 billion workdays are lost annually due to depression and anxiety costing the global economy nearly US$ one trillion​

What are experts saying about the digital world we are living in today?


"We're too busy communicating to think, too busy communicating to connect, and sometimes we're too busy communicating to create. This is true for individuals and also true for organizations." - Sherry Turkle, MIT professor


"In the social media industry, the business model relies on sucking our attention spans until there’s nothing left. It’s also designed to allow for “unchecked virality,” meaning companies profit off the rampant spread of powerful misinformation." - Tristan Harris, founder, Center for Humane Technology


"We have given up our connection to context. Social media mashes up meaning ... To free yourself, to be more authentic, to be less addicted, to be less manipulated, to be less paranoid … for all these marvelous reasons, delete your accounts." - Jaron Lanier, godfather of Virtual Technology


"Right now there are 99 very smart people trying to make AI better and one very smart person trying to figure out how to stop it taking over, and maybe you want to be more balanced," - Geoffrey Hinton, godfather of Artificial Intelligence


Be a Good Influence


In a creator-driven world, everyone has a unique role in making a difference. Each human being is uniquely created for a greater purpose. What the world needs is honest, humble, and willing individuals to turn the tide of negativity around.


With media at your disposal, whether you are a business, a nonprofit, a solopreneur, an influencer, or a creatively inclined professional, your voice matters.


Join me as creators in lifting young minds and hearts in a digitally powered age to build a culture of good.

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